What should be the diet for beautiful abdomen?
Doing only exercise does not guarantee a flat and firm belly.
Following a good diet is the basis for ensuring that fat does not accumulate in this area and that you can boast good abs. And then exercising, will do the rest. But which diet produces beautiful and strong abs?
The rush and lack of organisation makes many days opt for quick meals that provide little nutrients, lots of fat and lots of calories. This type of food includes those that cause fat accumulation in areas such as the belly. So the first thing you need to do to get good abs is to have a regime with all the meals of the week. This way, it is easier to eliminate the “bad” foods and that the diet is more varied, balanced and healthy.
Main foods:
Almonds and nuts and peeled nuts: they are rich in vegetable fats and high in protein and fibre.
Legumes: they have proteins, carbohydrates and fibre. Legumes repair muscles, help burn fat and regulate digestion.
Vegetables: some vegetables such as red peppers, carrots, aubergines or purple onions contain vitamins A and C, folic acid and minerals such as potassium that help eliminate fluids. Spinach and green vegetables prevent obesity.
Olive oil and avocado: it lowers cholesterol and boosts immunity.
Oats: they bring a lot of energy and contain fibre.
Whole grains and bread made of unsifted flour: it prevents the accumulation of fats in the body.
Fruits: strawberries, oranges, blackberries or blueberries are fruits rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, anthocyanins and powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants that are also high in fibre, improve digestion and have a diuretic effect.
Eggs: they help build muscle, they help burn fat and contrary to what some people think, they are not bad.
Dairy products: they strengthen bones and promote weight loss.
Turkeys and lean meats: build muscle mass and strengthen the immune system.
Whey protein: helps in muscle growth and reduces fat.
Water, infusions and coffee: drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day helps to get rid of fluids. Tea and coffee, which contain theine and caffeine, help burn fat.
After listing the main foods, the conclusions are obvious. To boast of strong and beautiful abs, there is no written diet that must be accompanied by a slot. You just need to stick to a healthy, varied and balanced diet. As for the non-recommended foods, you can eat them very rarely.
While the type of food intake is important to prevent fat accumulation in certain areas, padel workouts can also help in improving your abs. In fact, many experts believe that exercise can be up to 50 per cent decisive. In your diet to get perfect abs, you must incorporate an active lifestyle and nothing sedentary. As part of this, you must do exercises to tone your abdomen. The workouts serve to work the abdominal area that involves all the muscles such as cardio exercises. Make sure to add running or cycling to this.
Playing padel is also very good for toning the abdomen, it also serves to increase resistance, correct posture and achieve better results, just like any other sport.
With that said, we mean that there is no miracle diet for abs to look nice and strong, and having healthy habits that help you get them.